Seemless access directly on telegram

Empower your teams with instant expert custom AI.

iPhone 14 mockup
iPhone 14 mockup
An iPhone mockup showcasing an app screen featuring a motivating quote as part of the "daily boost" feature.
iPhone 14 mockup
An iPhone mockup showcasing an app screen featuring a motivating quote as part of the "daily boost" feature.
iPhone 14 mockup
Completed tasks
background for stats
iPhone 14 mockup
Completed tasks
background for stats
iPhone 14 mockup
An iPhone mockup showcasing an app screen featuring a motivating quote as part of the "daily boost" feature.
iPhone 14 mockup
Completed tasks
background for stats
iPhone 14 mockup
Tasks icon
APIs connections

Access to 50+ workspace applications.

The intelligence can safely access your entire workspace. Up to 50+ enterprise applications such as Google drive, Notion, Telegram, Salesforce, Meta, Slack, Quickbooks, Whatsapp, etc.
Stats icon
Save 35% of operational costs

Your enterprise AI superpower.

24/7 AI intelligence, handling tasks while you focus on strategy. Automate workflows, deliver insights, and execute tasks
Stats icon
Increase productivity by 50%

Automate 95% of your most complex workflows.

Automates tedious, time-consuming tasks. From generating reports to updating databases, our AI tackles 95% of routine workflows so your team can focus on creative and strategic work.
Daily boost icon
Reduce research time by 80%

Instant insights across your workspaces.

Important business insights are lost in the noise of endless documents, emails, and unorganized workflows. Let the intelligence help you stay one step ahead.
Daily boost icon
Reduce research time by 80%

Deep intelligent research across www, RSS, and more.

Important business insights are lost in the noise of endless documents, emails, and unorganized workflows. Let the intelligence help you stay one step ahead.
Daily boost icon
HQ scrapping 10x faster

Get verified leads in seconds.

Get qualified leads in seconds so you can focus on closing deals, not chasing them.
Daily boost icon
99% adoption rate in a week

No interface learning curve, just Telegram.

We ask ChatGPT to provide you with unique motivational quote every day. Let's go!

Build and evolve on
latest AI engine.

AIVO is built on the latest AI advancements, constantly evolving to provide smarter, faster, and more capable solutions for your business.
IQ test result
136 IQ

One of the smartest AI agent available.

AIVO’s intelligence is measured at 136 IQ, capable of understanding complex tasks, generating insights, and delivering results quickly.

Safe technology.

AIVO uses cutting-edge encryption and secure infrastructure to keep your data safe. Trust in our technology as it’s built with compliance and privacy standards at its core.

100% compliance with industry security standards.
features image showing iphone with roses

KLYP Intelligence

A case study on how AIVO created KLYP Intelligence helping KLYP Investments streamline operations, generate leads, and gain deep insights into their markets.